Defense in depth approach pdf

It originates from a military strategy by the same name, which seeks to delay the advance of an attack, rather than defeating it with one strong line of defense. Attackers sometimes target vulnerabilities in internetfacing and internal web applications within 24 hours of a patch release. Defense in depth also known as deep or elastic defense is a military strategy. A holistic approach one that uses specific countermeasures implemented in layers to create an aggregated, riskbased security posturehelps to defend against cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities that could affect these systems. The organization designs its security architecture using a defense in depth approach that.

In studying the problem of adding defense in depth, weve identi. A defense in depth can slow down an advancing army causing them to lose momentum. Information assurance ia open pdf 110 kb this directive. Lastly, we discuss how to use these results to help guide improvements to defense in depth postures. These five elements of defense in depth, therefore, include. We then empirically apply our approach to large randomly generated networks as well as to ics networks generated from a published ics attack template. For this recommendations document, a discussion of various attack vectors may provide some insight into how a defense in depth strategy can be effective. Defense in depth security approach section 1 introductions section 2 the wild wide web section 3 cyber breaches causes section 4 case study section 5 defense in depth approach section 6 questions. It is a layering tactic, conceived citation needed.

Rather than defeating an attacker with a single, strong defensive line, defence in depth relies on the tendency of an attack to lose momentum over time or as it covers a. Keywords layered security, systems approach, defence in depth, protection in depth, security in depth, security architecture, network engineering, layered. Its intent is to provide redundancy in the event a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited that can cover aspects of personnel, procedural, technical. This paper will look at three common scenarios, and likely methods for network attacks, and offer countermeasures to. Defense in depth an impractical strategy for a cyber. Several in depth technical discussions are provided by dhs in the control systems security program via the dhs computer emergency readiness team uscert. Learn how microsoft designs and operates azure, and get an overview of azure services and capabilities to secure, manage and monitor your cloud data, apps and infrastructure. Defence in depth also known as deep defence or elastic defence is a military strategy that seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of an attacker, buying time and causing additional casualties by yielding space. It is a delaying tactic intended to slow down the advance of an enemy instead of stopping them. The defense in depth foundational curriculum is designed for students, ranging from system administrators to cios, who have some technical understanding of information systems and want to delve into how technical assurance issues affect their entire organizations. The importance of defense in depth and layered security.

Industry innovations case studies cyber cyber products defense in depth. Defense in depth is a layered approach to defending any systems. A layered defense is a component in defense in depth. Systems approach, defence in depth, protection in depth, security in depth. Microsoft developed the sdl process in 2004 as part of a defense in depth approach to security. The course material takes a bigpicture view while also reinforcing concepts. For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration. The term defense in depth in computing is inspired by a military strategy of the same name. Defense in depth, industrial control system, scada, pcs, cyber security, mitigation. Defense in depth is an information assurance strategy that provides multiple, redundant defensive measures in case a security control fails or a vulnerability is exploited. Integrated approach to safety using defense in depth principles similar to intl safety case concept performance assessments pas are one part of an integrated approach to safety consistency with other regulations for nearsurface disposal and consideration of intl recommendations. A cross sectorial analysis article pdf available in open journal of safety science and technology 0602. A layered approach to network security in light of all the headlinegrabbing network security breaches in the last year its understandable that enterprises might be on high alert to prevent their own organization from being thrust into the spotlight.

Department of defense dod information assurance ia through a defense in depth approach that integrates the capabilities of personnel, operations, and technology, and supports the evolution to network centric warfare. Defense in depth is an it security strategy that uses a multilayered security approach, with multiple security measures designed to protect the organizations most important data assets. Additional aspects of understanding defense in depth involves defining an approach for accomplishing the objective, criteria for the approach, and criteria for ensuring adequate defense in depth has been achieved. Defense in depth did is an approach to cybersecurity in which a series of defensive mechanisms are layered in order to protect valuable data and information. Difference between layered security and defense mbc. The defense in depth strategy recommends several information assurance principles. If one mechanism fails, another steps up immediately to thwart an attack. Designing a defense in depth network security model we challenged networking and firewall vendors to provide defense in depth security from the perimeter to the core. Osi defense in depth to increase application security explains how enterprise applications are at risk and sets fort h one approach by which information technology it managers can mitigate these risks. Defense in depth by todd mcguiness november 11, 2001. In the osi model approach, security is addressed at each layer of the osi model, shown below. Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities under section 2224 of title 10, united states code to achieve department of defense dod information assurance ia through a defense in depth approach that integrates the capabilities of personnel, operations, and technology, and supports the evolution to.

Instead, it is a security architecture that calls for the network to be aware and selfprotective. Defense in depth is concerned with more than just the immediate intrusion but also assumes a broader and more variable source of defense. Next generation nuclear plant defenseindepth approach. Defense in depth is not a product, like a perimeter. Use of advanced methods including machine learning can flag attempts to steal data and prevent it from leaving a protected resource or perimeter. This approach, often referred to as defense in depth. The definition of defense in depth is the implementation of multiple security measuresto protect the most valuable resources on your. Cyber security tips the importance of a defenseindepth. The tactic buys time by yielding to the enemy slowly. Security in depth would be closer to a multifaceted strategic plan where layered security would be one aspect of defense. A defense in depth approach to securing the wireless vehicle infrastructure article pdf available in journal of networks 47 september 2009 with 657 reads how we measure reads. As part of a defense in depth strategy, abac supports what can be called an any depth protection approach.

Graded approach is, how it is used to ensure safety for nuclear power plant npp and how existing tools are used to develop high quality information to inform a decision making process. Pdf exploring strategies for digital security defence in depth. Lets learn more about each layers in upcoming blog posts. Defense in depth is the concept of pr otecting a computer network with a series of defensive mechanisms such that if one mechanism fails, another will already be in place to thwart an attack. Defence in depth did is a concept that has been used for many years alongside tools to optimise nuclear safety in. That approach is actually something thats not new,thats been existing for many years,and a security approach thats adoptedby many security experts,which is a defense in depth approach. A number of smr designers are proposing alternate ways to address did in their designs. Depth approach to managing the organizations it resources and services.

I want to share a model called defense in depth that i learned from my security courses at the sans institute and have since used in my daily job. A key element of the abac process is the ability to intercept attempted access to protected resources and this can be accomplished at different. Prescott takes a very interesting and informative view on defense in depth in this book he describes on how it secuirty traditionally is inefficient its approach to secuirty fors its critical infrastructure he put in a great amount of thought into why traditional models of defense in depth fail and then turns around and describes how to. Pdf a defenseindepth approach to securing the wireless. What is defense in depth benefits of layered security. Internet solutions is a division of dimension data 4 internet solutions kenya is was founded in 1993. In this azure essentials, we also go in depth on the controls of the azure security center and explain the controls your can leverage. Defence in depth, protection in depth and security in depth core. Pdf the defense in depth did is a classical defensive concept currently applied to a variety of technical fields, including nuclear where this. The siting of mutually supporting defense positions designed to absorb and progressively weaken attack, prevent initial observations of the whole position by the enemy, and to allow the commander to maneuver reserve forces. Defense in depth 7 the anatomy of a disaster before considering the tools required to mitigate the issues relating to an incident, or the layers of protection that are required in a particular facility, one must have an understanding of how a disaster may propagate. Defence in depth simple english wikipedia, the free. One winning approach to pushing out security policy enforce ment to the port level is to start with the wireless network because wireless security is predicated on. According to viega and mcgraw viega 02 in chapter 5, guiding principles for software security, in principle 2.

In a defense in depth strategy, a companys most important data may be protected by many layers of security, whereas less important data may be less restricted. Given that adversaries can attack a target from multiple points using either insiders or outsiders, an organization needs to deploy protection mechanisms at multiple locations to resist all classes of attacks. Originally coined in a military context, when addressing more depth security measures. It requires developing defenses for all systems and subsystems including security management, physical security, network security, hardware security, and software security. The ngnp defense in depth approach embraces the engineering and regulatory practices that have evolved over the last 50 years of reactor design and licensing and more completely integrates risk informed, performancebased methods into the ngnp project design process. The idea behind the defense in depth approach is to defend a system against any particular attack using several independent methods. Measuring and improving the effectiveness of defensein. Implementation of defence in depth at nuclear power plants. Defense in depth also known as castle approach is an information assurance ia concept in which multiple layers of security controls defense are placed throughout an it system. Cyber security defense in depth strategies future of.